13 April 2010


I'm tired and needing to get out of bed(woops) so my post for today are the things that need to be accomplished by May 4.

1. Create final Paper/Presentation for Presenting and sponsoring
2. Create marketing proposal for Entertainment Marketing
3. Finish my parts of a Risk Management Plan
4. Take 2 finals
5. Figure out what I'm taking, and what I'm letting movers take
6. Schedule a practice time for my presentation
7. Inaguration and Prexies(planning and execution)
8. Go on 'tour' with school to Ada, OK (this week)
9. Clean out desk in SGA office(Tuesday)
10. Give 3 presentations
11. Make up a Yoga routine
12.Senior Week with the Sorority.

It doesn't seem like much, but at the same time it feels like a lot! Can't wait for C to get here and be able to help with the moving stuff. :)

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