22 February 2011


I love plans. Almost to an unhealthy level.. but just before where it might become a problem. With Mr.DeLovely being in the Army, it's hard to plan much of anything-even vacations or what I'll do on any given night-it all depends on what his unit comes up with for the day/night/week/year.

That said, I need a plan in my life-I need goals. Searching for work (unsuccessfully) for so long makes me feel like an abject failure-I know that's not the case by far, but it's true for me. I don't feel like ME without some direction-some schooling-something on the horizon. and as far as job searching is concerned.... it's hard to have a plan when you never know if something will come up.

So thanks to my bestie, I found and went through the Chazown experience.

"Everyone ends up somewhere, but few end up somewhere on purpose" -CG

I listed past experiences that shaped me, defined personal values, and took a test to determine my spiritual gifts. From there, I wrote a personal vision statement, determined which 'spokes' of my life needed the most work, and set goals.

Curious as to what I came up with?


Spiritual Gifts:

Personal Statement:
I am here to guide and help people grow into  the best version of themselves possible.

Spokes Needing work: Finances and Work

Maintain workout routine(5x a week!) and healthy eating plan
Read the bible (and pray over it) daily
Define financial success for me-and then develop a plan to achieve it.
Have (X) amount in the savings account by May
Research Personal training and nutrition programs.
Apply to said programs, become certified in all desired areas by this time next year.

Yep, it's back to 'school' for me. :) I'm excited to start on this new journey! And very thankful Craig Groeschel, my bestie, Mr. DeLovely, and others for spurring me on to be the best me. <3


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